"Let Us Live For Him - As He Died For Us."

IZZYGALVEZ-JesusCross-John3-16-S-1.jpg IZZYGALVEZ - Jesus Cross - John 3-16 - Sepia - 600x image by izzygalvez

Our Lord see everything that we do, It is no hiding from him. Ask yourself have you done anything

that our Lord would be sad? I know we are not perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to do

good try to better ourselves and others. Look around today is the day to ask for forgiveness,

not tomorrow, or soon Now. I am not perfect i know i sin, But i try so very much not to and i

ask God to help me get through it. So why not you go to him, The day is soon to come why not

be ready for it. Let us all just return to God. Did Jesus not die for us all. You might not believe

but he did. For all of us your child which wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him your mother your

father, Everyone you know including yourself would not be here if it wasn’t for him so let us all

show that we are thankful that he died for us and rose again. By returning to our father lord and savior!

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What If You Did Tell Your Friend About Jesus?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

physical beauty a great thing but also it can be bad.

psalm 45:11 our Lord delights in our beauty, beauty is God given (Ezekiel 28:11)
Satan was a role model before he became Satan he was Lucifer, HE WAS AN EXAMPLE OF WISDOM AND PERFECT BEAUTY. God gives us physical beauty it is not bad. GOD HAD MADE SATAN A LEADER. (Ezekiel 28:13-14) physical beauty will give you allot of attention. which isn't bad because many may look up to you and be inspired by you so you be able to be a leader. Lucifer was beautiful and a leader. many followed him because of his beautification. this is how it can be bad only if you allow such a thing to corrupt you. LUCIFER AKA SATAN WAS BLAMELESS AND PERFECT UNTIL HE GOT SO CAUGHT UP WITH HOW BEAUTIFUL HE WAS, NEXT THING YOU KNOW PRIDE AND INIQUITY WAS FOUND IN HIS HEART, BECAUSE OF HIS BEAUTY (Ezekiel 28:17) Satan became who he is now evil deceiving liar why because he had so much pride from being so beautiful and from many looking up to him and giving him attention that he wanted to be above GOD and have his OWN kingdom but remember no one in this world or in heaven will ever be above GOD. Many people theses days let there physical beauty go to there head that they living in pride. and God forbids having to much pride look what happen to Lucifer now look at who he became SATAN!

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